Program Overview
Emergency Relief (ER) is defined as the provision of assistance to people in need. It consists of the provision of financial and material aid such as food, clothing, travel assistance, pharmaceuticals, accommodation and basic household items to meet the immediate needs of an individual, family or community.
The Emergency Relief Network of Latrobe City (ERNLaC) is a group committed to facilitating the delivery of comprehensive Emergency Relief to the people of Latrobe City. It is made up of representatives of Emergency Relief provider agencies and organisations, together with representation from Latrobe City.
The Magistrate’s Court of Victoria provides limited funds for ER within Latrobe City. These funds are managed by the Latrobe City Trust on behalf of ERNLaC and the Courts, and made available in the form of grants for activities or projects. To be eligible all applications must directly provide Emergency Relief and fit within the guidelines provided by the Magistrate’s Court.